1. "SE SON ROSE FIORIRANNO" - Day dedicated entirely to roses, which a part of the day with watercolors by Daniela Ferraldeschi - May 2013
2. PROJECT "OSKAR" - Plantation of tomatoes "Oskar", part of a larger project curated by Fabrizio Segaricci (www.fabriziosegaricci.wix.com) - Summer 2013
3. IN GIARDINO - Concert of secular music at sunset with the Vocal Ensemble "Affetti Cantabili" (https://www.facebook.com/affetti?fref=ts) - September 2013
4. PLANT THE LABEL - Lab for childrens held by Erbeventi Association (www.initinere.info) inside the event: "Fiera della Badia" (07/19/2014)
5. PAINTING COURSE IN THE GARDEN - Course watercolors held by artist Caridad Isabel Barragan (http://barraganstudio.blogspot.it/) - Ottobre 2014
6. ROSES & ROSES - Aperitif per salutare for the flawering of the ancient rose garden - May 2015